Email Signature Creator by Aidaluu
Beautiful, professional email signatures in minutes.

Compatible with Windows 10 and Windows 11

Professionally designed templates
Create a stunning email signature in minutes, get a jump start using one of our professionally designed signature templates.

Personalize logos and icons
Adding your own icon is as easy as point and click. Built-in photo editing allows you to add photos, change photo shapes and styles in minutes.

Personalize fonts and colors
Easily customize your signature to match your unique theme with intuitive color selectors and font selectors.

Secure and confidential
This app runs locally right on your device. Your signature data and designs do not need to be transferred or processed by any third party servers.

Works fully both online and offline
This app is a true native app, all features work fully offline. So you can design signatures even while you do not have connection.

Social media icons
Connect with your recipients by adding various social media icons such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube.

Create hyper links
Add links to your website, promote new products and link to sale discounts.

Unlimited number of signatures
Create, save and export as many email signatures as you like. Easily make changes to incorporate your latest news and most up-to-date visual branding.

Beautiful signatures in minutes
Create a beautiful and professional HTML signature in minutes. Zero coding skill required.